
After stoping at the Temple of Olympian Zeus we walked up to the First Cemetery.  I must say I have always loved the way European’s park their cars.  They park where ever they can.  In the states we only park on the street in one direction and typically you will get ticketed if you double park.  I have seen cars in Paris parked on a corner and then double parked at that.  Here is what we saw walking up to the Cemetery.   All of the cars in the picture below are parked.

The Cemetery was opened in 1867 and is the First Cemetery of Athens.  There are many of famous Grecians buried here and it’s a really large cemetery.  This is the entrance and there is another fence like this on the other side.  There were many things going on including I believe a funeral.

There are some really large mausoleums in this cemetery.

The artwork that goes into these is amazing.  As we were walking up to the cemetery there are numerous stores that make pictures and figures and sell flowers all relating to funeral thing.

We didn’t walk all the way through or around as we were pressed for time I can imagine that you can come back for several days and still not see everything.

After leaving the cemetery we headed to the train station to head out to the port of Athens it was about a 15 minute train ride.  This is the train station at the port of Athens.

As you can see there are a lot of ships at the port.  All of these are headed out to the islands.  Unfortunately we weren’t staying long enough but maybe next time.

We then walked over to the other side of the port after eating.  We saw what remained of this boat.  There were at least two or three hulls that we saw in the water.  Including the engine of a boat.

As you can see there are plenty of smaller boats around the port.  There were boats from many different countries.

We didn’t go over to the beach but we were right above and across the water from it.  It looked amazing but we didn’t have a bathing suit with us.

We then stopped for coffee at a little place on the port.   It was really good and we even got a cookie.

We then walked back to the train station and took the train back to our hotel.  While we were changing trains we came across this section in the subway where they have excavated.  It’s amazing to come across these things where you would least expect it.

There was a protest going on in the streets and the train station we were going to go to was closed.  We had to walk several blocks to another station.

We then had dinner on the rooftop of our hotel.  We were going to have Ouzo after dinner but our waiter recommended we have some Mastika.  I still have not tried Ouzo but the Mastika was really good.

The next day we got ready to leave and arrived at the airport.  I was able to get wifi once and then it was gone.  They board the non-revs differently there and you have to stay outside of security before they give you your seat.  Well as we were waiting there we saw people coming rushing up right before the closing of the flight.  Thankfully we were the first ones on the list as by the time they were done there were only two seats left on the plane.  We got lucky because there were at least 10 non-revs behind us that did not get on the plane.  I felt bad for them but I was glad to get on the plane. We ended up sitting across from each other.  While on the plane I was sitting next to a woman who was in Athens for business she was from NY and was training for her company.  I wish my company would send me to Athens for training.  Anyway another great trip but a close call getting home.


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