Tags: Airline Airplane Airplanes Customs flight Flight Attendant Global Entry home Philadelphia Photography Pre Check
So earlier this year I applied for Global Entry. If you don’t know what global entry is it is a privilege that you pay for as a frequent flier. After you pay the application fee you get checked for a criminal record and fingerprinted then you can go by the global entry kiosk when you enter the country and don’t have to wait on the long line at customs. The first appointment I had needed to change because we had a trip that day. So this morning I had to get up at 4:30 in the morning to fly to Philadelphia because I thought my husband would be up there but unfortunately he was home. I flew up and had my appointment. Luckily I was able to go early. Then I had to fly back home. The flight back home mostly full so I had buy a first class seat to get home. I was happy to get the Global Entry as it also comes with pre check. This means I don’t have to take out my computer or take off my shoes or even take out my liquids. Flying will be wonderful now that I can go through security easier.