
How many days of this year are you going to remember?


I was listening to a running podcast today and I feel the statement above applies to life.  The podcast was the Marathon Training Academy with Angie and Trevor (no I don’t plan on running a marathon).  I was thinking about this because when I fly with my husband on his trips most of the other flight attendant’s say that they wish their spouses would travel with them. I always wonder why they don’t.  Now my husband and I have always loved to travel anyway.  Even before he became a flight attendant we would travel a bit.  Well, once he became a flight attendant I realized I wanted to go on as many trips as possible.  Of course I have a full-time job so I can’t go on every trip.  My husband has been a  flight attendant for almost a year and I have been to Frankfurt, Paris, Arizona (twice), New York (several times), Boston, Houston, Providence RI, Washington DC and Charlotte.  I remember each of those trips spending time with him roaming around new towns and trying to find things to do (quickly) or just hoping a plane to NY to visit my mother and sister.  One of the questions I get a lot why do you go for just one day or just the weekend?  Well, I say “I can go back as often as I like” this is usually my first response.  Another reason is because I enjoy the time in a new place with someone I love, it’s an adventure every time (even if it is the same place twice).  I’m hoping to go on many more trips and see if I can build up the number of days I will remember this year.

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